Submit Your Story

To submit, add your story in the COMMENTS/DISCUSSION section below and press the POST COMMENT button. Your story will be sent to an administrator for approval before it goes live, so please be patient.  

Inclusion is not guaranteed, but so long as your story is not intended to offend anyone and does not contain excessive or unnecessary profanities or anything obscene, there should be no problem. However, I reserve the right to refuse to post any stories that I personally feel might offend or upset. All copyright remains with the author.

Do check out the video at the bottom of the page, where I discuss how to both receive, and give feedback on your writing.


  1. The title of your story (if it has one, otherwise it will be labelled ‘Untitled’)
  2. Your name or ‘pen’ name
  3. Any copyright details underneath the poem (for example: ‘copyright your name 2020′)
  4. Links to your poetry/writing website or blog, if you wish

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